Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Another Tagajo Gem

In Tagajo, nearly right across the street from the famous "Cha-Cha's", sits another very small restaurant that deserves its own post.  The English translation of this restaurant (whose Japanese name escapes me) is "Country Home".  Country Home sits in a small alley which contains various other businesses, some of whom through the years have come and gone.  The infamous "Orange" bar is one of them (that sadly is gone).  This alley in my minds eye resembles a NASCAR garage of sorts, where the various racing teams might keep their cars.
Country Home like Cha-Cha's, is known for it's very kind Master, as well as it's casual setting.  It is comprised of a small counter bar, and just two dining tables where you cook your own food on a grill (Korean BBQ style).  Over each grill hangs do it yourself looking suction fans that never seem to be able to accommodate the serious amount of smoke that invariably results at the peak of cooking.  The walls (as well as the exterior front) are a very interesting faux log cabin wood design, which I guess gives you the feeling of being in the country.
We have had a number of memorable and very enjoyable times/meals at this cozy place.  It is a classic "local" hangout, that a tourist would likely never find or even if they did, venture into. The food is good, the drinks are cool and refreshing, and the company is always the best.  My kind of place.
Sadly, I am sure the Earthquake/Tsunami spent their time at this great restaurant.  I am seeking updates on the status of Country Home, and will report back when I get this information.

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