Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lightning Strikes at 36,000 Feet - TWICE!!!

During a recent trip to Denver, Colorado, I decided for the first time in my life to use Frontier Airlines, a small regional U.S. air carrier.  One of the nice benefits of flying Frontier, is that they have small T.V.’s in the seat backs of every seat, and you can watch live television from many, many different channels.  As fate would have it, exactly during my flight time Japan’s World Cup soccer team was facing off against Denmark in pool play.  What a stroke of luck I thought, as I watched intently this very important match for Japan.  And then BOOM!!!!!  - Lightning struck in the form of this:

And then BOOM!!!!! – Lightning struck again!!!!

I will never forget that Frontier flight. Of course Japan went on to win 3-1 and thus qualified for the knockout stage. Well done Japan!!!

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