Monday, December 19, 2011

Japan Loves Festivals!!!

I have found it interesting that the Japanese people seem to really love festivals.  They love anything related to showing the spirit of a festival or a holiday.  So much so that they have seemed to embrace Christmas, not for it's religious meaning of course, but rather for the holiday decorations and festive spirit that are associated with it.  In fact in early November when I visited, I saw Christmas decorations already up close to my hotel in Tokyo.  Amazing.

Back in May of 2004 during a visit up in Sendai, our group just happened to come across a festival parade in full swing going through the downtown.  Many different groups were dressed up in different colored outfits.
It was a very impressive sight.  Incredible organization. Incredible participation.  Incredible spirit!
Spaced in between many of the various groups were these really cool looking floats (or that is what we would call them in America).  That is probably not the right word.  They were quite large, and obviously built with much care and color.
All of the people seemed to be having a very fun time.  We watched for around 30 minutes as they passed in front of us down the main street of downtown Sendai.  Many thanks to my friend Ken who took some of these great pictures with his at the time very new, cool camera.
Yes, it seems that everyone in Japan loves a festival.  And what is wrong with that?  Nothing!!!

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