Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Friend Matsuzaki-san

So after my recent trip to Japan, I think it would be most appropriate for my next post to talk about a former co-worker friend of mine Matsuzaki-san.  I have known Matsuzaki-san for a number of years, as his work and mine brought us together while he was stationed at our factory up in Tagajo.  Then a few years ago he transferred assignments and worked out of our Tokyo HQ.  During that time, our business was not related, but I still kept in loose touch.  Here is a picture of Matsuzaki-san from a "meeting" in Tokyo in 2006.
So why do I have this post to profile this man?  Well a couple of years ago (maybe a little less), Matsuzaki-san retired from the company.  He moved back to Sendai, and pondered life after the company, and what direction he should go in.  Then fate stepped in and guided him.  The disaster of March 11th, 2011 as everyone knows caused much heartache and suffering in the Tohoku region.  Matsuzaki-san felt compelled to act.  He joined the "Save the Children Japan" organization, and since then has been assisting with all of their activities related to the recovery efforts up north.  On my recent trip, Matsuzaki-san was kind enough to join a group of coworkers for an after hours party up in Tagajo.  He asked me if I knew of the group Linkin Park and that they had just visited Japan.  Coincidentally, I had just watched the video below BEFORE I went to Japan, so I said yes and that I heard they went up to Ishinomaki City.  He was surprised that I knew, and said he was a part of the Save the Children group that went with them.  When I returned to the U.S., I watched the video again, and if you look closely, there he was, Matsuzaki-san.  I hope you can watch this video all the way to the end.  It is really good stuff.

It really made me feel good to see Matsuzaki-san again, and to hear of his recent job and efforts.  How fulfilling it must be for him to help the children up in Tohoku recover from such devastation.  If any readers feel so inclined, feel free to make a donation to this worthy cause.  The website can be found by clicking on this link:  At our recent party in Miyagi, I had a chance to sing one of my favorite karaoke songs with Matsuzaki-san, who is quite a good singer - Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World".  Here is a shot of it, before Matsuzaki-san had to leave for the night.
Despite such sadness and despair, there can be found happiness and hope.  I plan to keep in touch with Matsuzaki-san in the future, and will make a strong effort for our paths to cross again.  I am proud of him and what he is doing, and am happy to call him my friend.

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