Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nov. 2010 Japan Trip - Post #12: Furosato Dinner and Cha-Cha's

After a day of sightseeing around Matsushima, my friend Sam had arranged a nice dinner for us at one of our mutually favorite spots - Furosato (Country Home) in Tagajo.  I have posted about this small, unique and friendly place before here.
Sam invited some of our co-workers to come over, and it was a very nice group of welcoming people.
Looking back, this was a very special dinner.  It would be the last time I ever set foot into the beautiful Furosato, as it was destroyed by the Tsunami four months later.
It makes these pictures extra special as they are my last reminder of what used to be.
The Mama-san can be seen in the photo above behind Sam.  Get a good look at this place as I will be posting in the future about a dinner at the "new" Furosato.  Yes thankfully they have re-opened a new restaurant just down the street from the old one.  They are quite opposites in terms of style though, but more on that later.
As for this meal, it was very enjoyable.  Mary stayed away from the house specialties - "guts", and opted for cuts of regular meat and chicken.  Good beer and good conversation flowed.  Little did I know that it would be my final meal in this tiny, beautiful, character filled box.  After our dinner, we all headed over to Cha-Cha's for some more drinks and a few songs.  While Cha-Cha's did indeed also feel the power of the destructive Tsunami, thankfully it would not be the last time I set foot in that building.  I do regret though only having one picture from that party at Cha-Cha's - the following group shot taken at the end of the night.
This is my last reminder of Cha-Cha's before the Tsunami.  Mary and I really appreciated everyone who came that night to make this evening a great time.

1 comment:

  1. Great Japan Travel Info you have shared with us. It’ll help people a lot planning a trip to Japan.
    Thank you.
