Friday, October 21, 2011

Japan in America

About 3 months or so ago, I was surfing on the website "Yelp", when I came across a sushi restaurant in my home town that I had never heard of before.  I was shocked to see that it was rated extremely high.  How could this place be here without me knowing about it??  My old Japanese friends who have visited here have tasted some of the other popular sushi restaurants near my house that are quite good.  This one though was different.  It is really good, and it combines traditional Japanese sushi with some nouvelle French style cuisine.  The result is very impressive.
From the outside, it is nothing special.  It sits in the corner of a small shopping area and if you didn't know it was there you might drive right on by it.  However once you walk in the door, it reminds me instantly of being in Japan.  It is a relatively small shop (like Japan), with a counter that seats around 12, and tables that seat maybe 3 times that much.
The owner is a nice man named Hideki-san.  He and his wife run this place.  His wife's sister actually works for the same company that I do in Tokyo, so we exchanged some stories.  This restaurant is less than two years old and I am very hopeful that they make it.  It is not easy in this business where I live as there is a lot of competition.
The quality of fish here and the preparation is extremely high.  I am looking forward to taking some of my Japanese friends here to see if they agree.  Oh, and the name of this place?  It is called "Bistro Anju".  I highly recommend it (and so does my wife)!!!

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