Friday, November 4, 2011

Yebisu Beer Museum

Back in 2004, I had a chance to visit the Yebisu Beer Museum, which is located in/near the Sapporo Beer headquarters building a short walk from the JR Ebisu station in Tokyo.  Being a beer drinker with a discriminating palate :-) , I have always liked Sapporo, and more specifically the Yebisu brand.  While not impossible, it is a bit difficult to procure here in the United States.  The museum is located on the grounds of the original brewery, which was established in the late 1800's.  Nothing remains from that original plant, but the museum informs us of it through a very nice set of exhibits.
After you run through the various artifacts and brewing processes which are laid out in detail, there is a very nice and modern tasting room where you can sample many of the Sapporo family brands, including Yebisu!
We of course had to try them all, and my good friend Federico, was an eager participant.
It was in December, and I remember it being cold outside.  Due to my unquenchable thirst I made a go at this can, without success.
I think there are some other cool places around here, and someday if I have more time I might plan on a return visit.

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