Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 11th

Today is March 11th, a day that I will forever associate with the disaster in Tohoku one year ago.  It is a bit like September 11th in the U.S., another day that has special meaning since 2001.  I actually spent a good part of this past week in Miyagi, and have seen quite a bit of positive change since my last visit.  Here are just a few photos I took.  This is the location of one of my favorite places - Cha-Cha's which is now a lonely vacant lot.  The Master is trying to figure out his plans for another shop, and I along with many others eagerly await it.
The building that housed the old Furusato along with a number of other small snack bars is now in the process of being demolished.  You can see what it looks like now below.
While these are pictures that may sadden you, there are other many good things going on up there.  The spirit of recovery is alive and strong in the Tohoku.

I can imagine there are many special ceremonies all over Japan on this day.  My company decided not to hold one, probably because the day falls on a Sunday, as well as because the painful memories are still too vivid.  As I sit here typing this on my computer, I take a moment to remember all of those lost on that fateful day a year ago.  Included in this is a special thought that goes to my personal friends who lost family members.  We will never forget.

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