Monday, May 9, 2011

"Every Picture Tells a Story"

This is the title of a famous song by Rod Stewart, and oh how true it is.  They also say a picture tells a thousand words.  So it is with this theme in mind that I share with you the so very important picture below which I received just yesterday.  This is not just a picture, but rather it is a story, a story about living, about recovering, and about the need to share conversation and good times with friends.

This picture was taken recently inside of Cha-Cha's, the snack bar in Tagajo that suffered severe damage from the earthquake and tsunami.  As previously stated, the Cha-Cha's Master plans to rebuild his shop.  Before he undergoes this serious endeavor which will take a number of months to complete, he invited some friends into his damaged shop to enjoy some food and drink and conversion.  It warmed my heart greatly to see this picture, and to know that life goes on, and rebuilding is happening.  I very much look forward to being in this shop again, and to thanking the Master and his family for having the courage and strength to carry on, and to rebuild.

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