Sunday, May 22, 2011

Great Dinners in Japan - Roppongi Hills

I think I need to start of series of posts that commemorate great dinners I have had in Japan.  There are certainly many of them, and they all contain wonderful memories of friendships as well as moments of getting to understand and appreciate Japanese cuisine.  Some of these dinners have already been written about, like at Sushi Dai, or the small guts place in Shinagawa.  So I will try and focus this new series on large group dinners that stand out in my mind.  The first will be on a nice relaxing evening we had back in June of 2003.  A number of staffers decided to go out to a restaurant in Roppongi Hills.  At the time, Roppongi Hills was a brand new complex that was generating a lot of buzz around Tokyo.  My memory is lots of escalators that took you this way and that, and a relative maze of shops and restaurants on multiple floors.  I think we might have had a little trouble finding the place to begin with.
Once there, we had a great meal and wonderful conversation.  As you can see, we cooked our own food at this place.  It was a classy restaurant.  Here is a picture of Terry.  He was (and is) a popular guy.  But where are all these ladies today?  Did he drive them away?
I am not sure what this picture was about.  Was an award given on this night to Miki-san?  What I find funny though is the wonderful wink from Iwako!  Too funny. 
Anyway, a great night out with friends, and a nice memory thanks to these pictures.

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